Sugar Bob's Spiced Nuts


Vendor: Vermont Food Connects



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Srirachashews - 2.5 oz resealable stand up pouch. To make our Srirachashews, we coat cashews with Vermont Maple Sriracha, maple sugar, and our new dry spice mix. We then slow-roast them to perfection by hand. 

Srirachanuts - 2.5 oz resealable stand up pouch. To make our Srirachanuts, we coat peanuts with Vermont Maple Sriracha, maple sugar, and our new dry spice mix. We then slow-roast them to perfection by hand.

Apple Pie Almonds - 2.5 oz resealable stand up pouch. We use apple cider concentrate from our friends up the road at Mountain Cider Company and Vermont Maple Sugar to make these tasty treats!